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Samaire Armstrong talks rehab


Samaire Armstrong, 27, opens up about being in rehab to E! .

“You know, I just had a lot of access to a lot of freedom,” Samaire Armstrong says. “I sort of lost direction.”

: “I was reading this book called Beautiful Boy,” she said. “They sell it at Starbucks! It’s about this family and their drug-addicted son. It’s so prominent these days. I don’t know if it always has been, but it just seems like it’s everywhere. And not everyone has the luxury of coming back from that. A lot of people die.”
“It was a decision on my own, but that was the first time,” she said. “My family was really involved when I went again.”

The first time she went for six weeks. But in October, a rep for Armstrong confirmed she was being treated at an outpatient facility for “personal reasons.”

“I had a lot of support,” Armstrong said. “I had to be strong. You find that you just have to. And then you go home and cry, fall on the ground crying, but that’s at home. You know at work you just do it. Also, when you’re doing something you love it kind of takes you out of it.”













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