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Pax Thien Jolie's Mom talks Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!

Pax Thien Jolie's Mom talks Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!
Pham Thu Dung, the biological mother of Pax Thien Jolie spills to News of the World about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's adoption of her son.

Pham Thu Dung says she's happy that her child has found a new life with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Last week, News of the World claimed Pham Thu Dung, a rumored money-hungry heroin addict would pursue Angelina Jolie for cash.
According to NOTW, the mother of Pax Thien Jolie, adopted by Angelina Jolie never signed the papers to give up her son

And unmarried Vietnamese pauper Pham Thu Dung, 29, may even demand they give the boy back.

Angelina, 31 picked up the three-year-old boy from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh city weeks ago

But the adoption papers were signed by his grandparents and may not be legal if the mother contests them.

The child's grandad Chien, 55, revealed: "Our daughter is a heroin addict and she is a bag of trouble. Her life has been ruled by drugs since she was 16.

"When she finds out that a rich movie star has adopted her baby, she WILL go after Angelina Jolie for money and make trouble for her. She may even try to take the child back." .

Now News of the World tracked Dung down in the Vietnam neighborhood she calls home and talked to the woman about why she gave Pax up for adoption in 2003. Though Dung admits that she's presently incapable of taking care of the three-year-old, she hopes that one day in the future he'll call her "mother" again reports US Magazine

"I am not his mother anymore because I abandoned him. I saw his face in the newspapers and I wanted to recognize him but I couldn't. He was a stranger to me. I wanted to forget all about him but it hurts so much to see his face and hear about everything that is happening to him. It brings all the pain back to me. My dream is that one day he'll visit me and call me mother. But it's only a dream, I know it's impossible."

"I want to see my son again and tell him I'm so sorry I had to give him away. I am very happy for him. I hope he has a good life now. He is better off with the movie star because I am not a good mother. I wasn't able to take care of my baby."

"I realize I am not capable of looking after him. I can't even feed myself properly, let alone a baby as well. I only eat one meal a day. I just hope one day I will see him just to see how he is and looks. I want to know that he's ok and that his new mother loves him."

Pham Thu Dung also talked about her two fixes of heroin a day "I really want to give up. I know drugs might kill me. If I can manage it, I will live a normal life. I really miss my grandmother and my family. I want to sort myself out and go home. But until I can give up drugs, I know I can never go home. I know my father is angry with me and I know the neighbors will laugh at my family. I don't want my son to be ashamed of me when he grows up."













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