
Neo liberals are evil!


In my opinion Neo liberals AKA Hilary Clinton supporters are selfish, greedy, immoral and represent everything that is bad about the world.

If you were to simplify the neo-liberal way of thinking you could sum it up with one phrase and that is “survival of the greediest” where the weak perish and whichever pig gets its snout to the troth first and stays there wins because Neo liberalism is animalistic and soulless! Liberalism is nothing more than an excuse used by people to justify their immoral and selfish behaviour.

Liberals are the trolls of the internet.

Liberals are the people who will attack any points of view that they disagree with for example if you are complaining about their sacred tax avoid mega cooperation’s who they worship and aspire to be or if you even have the audacity to complain about how you are struggling to make ends meet liberals will beat you down because to them the world is great and there is no suffering in the world for them at-least and want to keep it that way! Hilary Clinton is a great example of this for example even though relative poverty, gun crime, and the gap between rich and poor is growing in America Hilary Clinton shoots down Donald Trumps motto “Lets make America great again” by saying America is already great and that this is an insult which is an utter denial of the suffering of those living at the bottom of American society.

Just to make sure that her views and only her views are heard Hilary Clinton has spent over $1 million on online trolls to patrol the internet slinging mud at everyone that they can find that says something anti Hilary. Not only that Wikileaks has revealed email correspondence between top new editors and Hilary s Clinton campaign team plotting to be as pro Hilary as possible often and using their power and influence to threaten people into supporting Hilary in the media or else they could loose their jobs. As you can see Neo liberals are bullies and are not for democracy, freedom of speech and the only way id their way!

Hilary Clinton does not listen or care about the average persons views she cares only for money … and the big businesses love this about her and this is exactly why they want her to become president so they can pay her to do their bidding! Donald and Hilary Clinton have both attended the Al smith charity dinner In New York.. the last time both of them will be on stage together in this presidential race. Hilary Clinton in her speech at the Al smith Dinner attended by the rich and powerful new york elite Hilary Clinton jokes “I just want to put you all in a basket of adorables,” referring to her past comments about Donald Trumps supporters being a “basket of deplorables.” this joke shows exactly who’s side Hilary Clinton is on and shows how she thinks the poor are a bunch of deplorable but sucks up to the rich and powerful…. at the same charity dinners when Donald trump made his speech the rich and powerful booed and heckled him because they know that they cannot control him as they do Hillary.

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Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are both as bad as each other

The elite rigging the election