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Megan Fox reveals how she stays sane


Megan Fox reveals how she stays sane

Megan Fox reveals how she stays sane

'Jonah Hex' star Megan Fox revealed how she stays sane. The actress is apparently domestic.

"Oddly you wouldn't think it, but I'm very domestic," Fox said at a press conference for 'Hex.'

"That keeps me sane."

"I sort of distance myself from the Hollywood crowd," she said. "I don't go out and socialize that way."

"People who make it to this level of fame for whatever reason -- whether deserved or not -- you have to be a strong person to survive it," she said. "Because it is very difficult to be under the microscope every moment of every day. Everything that leaves your mouth becomes this sensationalized news story."

"It becomes overwhelming," she added.

"I have no idea where it comes from, but I've always been that way."













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